Category Archives: Society

Man talking in crowd of people

The Eleven Commandments of Gay Rights Activism

Wherever you find Gay Rights activism, you’ll also find varying degrees of reticence to combat homophobia and heterosexism in a meaningful way. All too often, that reticence will have a political/ideological justification: “That’s just not the way they do things on Capitol Hill. We can’t

Black man playing with a magnifying glass

The Emerging Evangelicals

The recent GOP rebound has been regarded by many as a victory belonging to rifle-toting, SUV driving, born-again Christians. But to oversimplify evangelicals in this manner is to ignore a growing rift within their ranks. Few mainstream evangelicals have attempted to link laissez-faire capitalism with

The Capitol, Washington, D.C.

When Can a Speaker of the House Cry?

Some are calling right-wing Ohio Republican John Boehner “The Weeper of the House,” as he strengthens his control over the US House of Representative’s agenda. New Speaker Boehner openly tears-up when he talks of his own working class background and his personal success in achieving

American Army soldiers marching with backpacks

The Fight Has Only Begun

Now that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” may be, at long last, on its way out, LGBT Christians must do more than merely rejoice. There is work for us to do yet. Christians have been a big part of the reason why the grievously discriminatory policy

Military camouflage helmets

The Giant Lavender Rabbit

All these studies and surveys about the effects of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell serve only to show one thing — something largely missed by the media and most of the public. They show how truly irrational many people still are about homosexuality. They’ve gotten ahold

Boy with partially covered face

The Media, Suicide and Homophobia

What can clearly be referred to as a continuing epidemic, within only the past few weeks, a number of gay young men have taken their lives by all indications as a result of the unrelenting homophobic taunts, harassment, and attacks they had to endure by

Long exposure scene of city traffic at night

Doin’ Time in Gay Man’s Hell

LUKE 12: 2, 3 (Jesus Christ said) Nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known. Therefore, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed

Barack Obama addressing joint session of Congress

Why Obama Became the Religious Right Wing’s Devil

Back in November 2008 we saw the perfect storm for the religiously addicted I described in When Religion Is an Addiction. Their “Christian” president who was dealing their high of being right was ending his eight-year term. He hadn’t dealt the ultimate fix they’d needed.

Protest against London Fashion Week at Kings Cross, London, United Kingdom

And Now We Boycott Target?

So, it’s come to this in the good ol’ U.S. of A. Private corporations are so running our politics that we have to direct our political energy to boycotting and supporting large businesses in order to change anything. Our national values are now promoted to