Category Archives: Society

Man writing

A Personal View of the Nicholas Berg Killing

I am a very curious person. Sometimes, I’m a little too curious for my own good. This insatiable curiosity got the better of me a couple of months ago. It all started with the news: I watch the news a lot and I have been

Wedding rings on dictionary

Justice = Civil Marriage Equality

The union of a man and a woman is the most enduring human institution, honored and encouraged in all cultures and by every religious faith… Marriage cannot be severed from its cultural, religious and natural roots without weakening the good influence of society. (President George

Wedding rings on dictionary

What Would Martin Do?

Their press release has this heading, “National Coalition of African-American Ministers Stand Together to Protest Same-Sex Marriage in America.” In the press release are these words, “We find the opposition’s attempt to yoke their homosexual agenda to that of the Civil Rights Movement extremely disturbing.”

Wedding rings on dictionary

Traditional Marriage: What Is It?

I’m confused. When I hear Christian conservatives speak of the need to preserve traditional marriage, I find myself asking: Which tradition? The Hebrew tradition, in which a man could marry as many women as he could support? The Pauline tradition (1 Cor. 7.36-38), in which

Wedding rings on dictionary

Whose God Do You Serve?

With his endorsement of an anti-gay Constitutional amendment, President George Bush fired the opening shot in a new culture war. This new war — launched ironically by the President who promised to be a “uniter, not a divider” — has not only divided the larger

Tattooed man praying

Our Way Home

In the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community today, we sense, increasingly, that we have lost our way. We feel less of a sense of unity with one another. We bicker not only over big issues, but about matters we ourselves sense, with nagging frustration,

Black man playing with a magnifying glass

Unwrapping God’s Gift to Humanity

In a speech almost a year ago to U.S. troops, President Bush declared: “The freedom you defend is the right of every person and the future of every nation. The liberty we prize is not America’s gift to the world; it is God’s gift to

Black man playing with a magnifying glass

Marriage Matters

Several mainline Christian denominations are worried about gay marriage. Should the church bless a union between adults of the same gender? Can the church bless a union that the government does not recognize? President Bush is also worried about gay marriage. Recently, he responded to