Category Archives: Society

Wedding rings on dictionary

Gay Rights and the Religious Right (and Left?)

My very proper Southern grandmother once wisely admonished me never to talk about two subjects: politics and religion. And yet, in light of the recent election, the relationship of those very two subjects is desperate for discourse. Since November 2nd, I have been asked to

Tattered Glory

Pharisee Nation

Last September, I spoke to some 2,000 students during their annual lecture at a Baptist college in Pennsylvania. After a short prayer service for peace centered on the Beatitudes, I took the stage and got right to the point. “Now let me get this straight,”

Soldiers boarding airplane

Confessing Christ in a World of Violence

Because of a deep and growing concern about an emerging “theology of war” in the White House, the increasingly frequent language of “righteous empire,” and official claims of “divine appointment” for a nation and president in the “war” on terrorism, I have joined with several

Soldiers boarding airplane

Time To March Again

Speech delivered at the Oklahoma University Peace Rally on November 14, 2004 As some of you know, I am minister of Mayflower Congregational Church in Oklahoma City, and Open and Affirming, Peace and Justice church in northwest Oklahoma City, and professor of Rhetoric at Oklahoma

Black man playing with a magnifying glass


We are a society that loves “solutions.” The word combines America’s can-do spirit of self-reliance and its capitalist impulse to sell things. And so “solutions” has become a marketing buzzword, a sudden synonym for “products.” The Solutions Catalog offers “products that make life easier.” Better

Sunlight shining through leaf

Saving the World, Every Day

Recently I read a story in which the last line was something like, “It’s not everyday we save the world!” And I immediately thought: Yes, it is! It is everyday that we, as Christians, save the world. In fact, that is our whole purpose and

Wedding rings on dictionary

Marriage and the Patriarchy

Recently, the media has been awash in different perspectives of the issue of same sex marriage. This has been highlighted by independent decisions by cities in several states to grant marriage licenses to same sex couples, by the court action of the state of Massachusetts


Major Same-Sex Marriage Victory in Canada

News release HALIFAX, Nova Scotia — Nova Scotia has became the sixth Canadian province to grant same-sex marriage rights to LGBT couples. Justice M. Heather Robertson of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia ruled this week that the definition of marriage must be “the lawful