Category Archives: Society

Wedding rings on dictionary

Give Us a Chance

I laugh every time I hear the phrase, “Marriage Protection Week.” Is it really necessary to prevent gay and lesbian couples from marriage that the “tro’s” (heterosexuals) guard so sacredly? Isn’t there a Dick’s Divorce Shack on every corner in every town right next to

Wedding rings on dictionary

The Family Idol

Perhaps the ugliest idol that we see today is the so-called “traditional family.” This idol is widely worshiped in the conservative factions of most religions. It should be obvious to its worshippers that it is an idol when these people see agreement between groups who

Wedding rings on dictionary

Rescuing Marriage

Legal recognition and celebration of same-sex marriage is far more revolutionary than just the passage of a few state and national laws. The bonds (“bondage”) of matrimony cry out for a fresh look at the ancient human tradition of marriage, which is based on the

People stacking hands together in the park

We Are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For

A speech As many of you know, I usually share my thoughts in print through my biweekly editorial column in the Asheville Citizen-Times. So I appreciate the opportunity to be with all of y’all tonight to talk about what I consider to be a fundamental

Black man playing with a magnifying glass

The Idol of Empire

In his State of the Union address, which is now being used in a campaign commercial, President Bush said, “It would take one vial, one canister, one crate slipped into this country to bring a day of horror like none we have ever known.” Who

Boy with partially covered face

Troubles in Baghdad

“I’m able to reach you today from Internet cafĂ© in Baghdad. I don’t have a lot of time. I just wanted to let you know that I’m okay. Everyone in my family is okay. I will write more soon.” That was a quick e-mail note


The LGBT ‘Threat’ to Straight Marriage

Something is stirring, a sea-change is abroad in the land. It is a very exciting time to be an LGBT activist, and also a frightening time. Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the sodomy laws in the 13 remaining states that had them and

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

Protesting Oppression Within and Without

“God ordained war! War is God’s way of punishing the wicked!” The woman with the loudspeaker shouted angry slurs at us as we attempted to hold an interfaith prayer vigil at Y-12, the nuclear weapons plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Although there were about 120