Tag Archives: Anglican

St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis Celebration of Animals

Holy Trinity Cathedral, Auckland, New Zealand Readings: 2 Kings 4:1-37, Acts 16:1- 15 Picture if you will, a 12 year-old girl, sitting at the dinner table on a summer’s evening. It is the night before her thirteenth birthday, and she is concentrating hard on not

St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, UK

Anglican Bishops Reject Gays

After much fighting, bishops attending the Anglican Communion’s once-a-decade Lambeth conference in Canterbury, England, rejected gay sex as “incompatible with the scripture” and said only celibate gays can be priests. The 526-70 vote (with 45 abstentions) on the non-binding resolution was a victory for conservative

St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, UK

A Soulforce Response to the Sad News From Canterbury

The truth about God’s lesbian and gay children suffered a tragic (though temporary) setback this Wednesday, August 5, 1998. In Canterbury, England, bishops from 160 nations representing 70 million Anglicans worldwide (including the Episcopal Church in the U.S.) voted 526 to 70 (with 40 abstentions)

St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, UK

Lambeth Ruling Angers Liberals

In the aftermath of the anti-lesbigay vote of Anglican bishops, there is anger, rejection, defiance, networking, mourning, organizing, and that “gutted and lynched feeling.” The lasting image of the now-concluding global Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops will likely prove to be the confrontation between Nigerian

St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, UK

UFMCC Moderator Meets with Archbishop Desmond Tutu

A meeting of historic significance to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities took place on Dec. 12 as two internationally recognized human rights activists met in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Rev. Troy D. Perry, moderator of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC),