Tag Archives: HIV/AIDS

Intimacy between two men

This Is Crucial!

I was talking to a brotha the other day (we’ll call him James), and the conversation we had was very interesting. See, this brotha is young, intelligent, beautiful, and goal oriented. He has a plan for his future and is on his way to success

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

Called to Ministry

My name is Khenneth Dantzler and I am writing this article to let positive individuals know that there is hope and you do not have to give up or give in because of the ignorance. Life at times may not be easy, but I thank

Boy holding floating balloon

A Healing Hope

I have AIDS and have been through the mill with opportunistic infections, treatments, drugs, and doctors. In 1996, I became very weak after receiving several chemo therapy treatments for my karposi sarcoma (KS). My blood counts went south, I became very weak and proceeded to

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

What God Has Done for Me

The following is an address I gave at MCC Toronto’s annual AIDS Vigil of Hope. My name is Chris Hobbs and I am HIV+. When I was first asked to speak tonight, I almost declined, because my immediate reaction was that I haven’t suffered enough

Night City Lights Abstract Heart Bokeh Trick

The AIDS Quilt: Celebration of Life

Today I saw the AIDS quilt for the first time. It was a nearly perfect autumn afternoon with a gentle breeze and crystal blue sky. After church I went down to the National Mall with a couple of friends. Beginning on the west side of