Tag Archives: spiritual journey

Each day that I wake I give thanks

Journey to Joy

Joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit that rarely gets “top billing,” so I’m glad that this issue of Whosoever is devoted to gratitude so I could share my experiences in discovering one of the keys to live joyfully. Those of you who

Close up of the dance floor

The Dance of Coming Out

In October 1996, I was attending Berea College, a small, private college in central Kentucky. I was also dating a girl I had met on campus. Her name was Jessie and she is still one of my best friends (even today). I was a different

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

The Labyrinth: A Journey Into Silence

Friday afternoon sunlight streams through the stained glass windows of the cathedral’s Parish Hall. The rustling of the trees outside the windows makes the shadows of color dance on the large canvas that covers the floor. Printed on the canvas is a life-size replica of

Parent and child spending time together

Namesake: An Appreciation of My Father

In the Name of God, Abba, Baba, DaDa, Father, Son, and Mother Spirit, AMEN Abba or ab·ba [ab-uh], New Testament: An Aramaic word for father, used by Jesus and Paul to address God in a relation of personal intimacy. Once when Jesus was praying in private and

Couple holding hands in front of a rainbow flag

Coming Out and Coming Home

I came out as a lesbian in September of 1992. The next month, I came out as a Christian at my local MCC. I never fit in. My whole life, I thought that there was something wrong with me. I always felt detached, as though

Black man praying

My Story

I grew up in a Southern Baptist home and church in South Carolina, a small town with cotton mills and a Presbyterian college. My parents taught me by example the family values of love, respect for all people, kindness, generosity, truth telling, fairness, self respect,