Tag Archives: Troy Perry

Wedding rings on dictionary

The Pastor Behind the Gay Marriage Ruling

Little noted in the history behind the California Supreme Court decision that gives the “right to marry” to same-sex couples are the bold steps taken over four decades by onetime Pentecostal minister Troy Perry in trying to establish legal and religious rights for gays and

Black man praying

Am I the Older Brother?

When I went to seminary to prepare for the ministry I looked at all those charming young men and women and decided that if I had been God there were several of them that I wouldn’t have called to be ministers under any circumstances. Two

Stained glass window image of Jesus

Dropkick Me, Jesus

Metropolitan Community Church of Columbia, S.C.  Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:14-27 Dropkick me Jesus through the goalposts of life End over end neither left nor to right Straight through the heart of them righteous uprights Dropkick me Jesus through the goalposts of life Make me, Oh

Tattooed man praying

Reclaiming Our Spiritual Center

Revive us again; Fill each heart with thy love; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. — Revive Us Again (William P. MacKay and John J. Husband) Any attempt to transform a social system without addressing both its spirituality and its outer forms

Couple holding hands in front of a rainbow flag

WOW! A Report from WOW 2003

As if I wasn’t giddy enough from all the emotional events of this year, last weekend I journeyed to Philadelphia for the WOW 2003 conference! WOW! Witness Our Welcome. Over 1,000 LGBTQ people and our straight allies were there, including some of the most amazing

Glasses resting on Bible

Serving From a Prison Cell

We arrived in Rome, and Paul was allowed to live in a house by himself with a soldier to guard him. Three days after we got there, Paul called together some of the Jewish leaders and said: My friends, I have never done anything to