Black male hands resting on an open Bible

Morality and Me

Morality is no small issue for me. I have often joked, and it is only a half joke, that I find guilt to be a great motivator and if not for guilt, I’d never get anything done. It is a joke, and an attitude, really,

Black male hands resting on an open Bible

Lifestyle or Licentiousness?

Think “gay lifestyle” and you think sex. That’s the lesson my mother taught me. She told me that the “gay lifestlye” is all about sex. I was shocked, because I thought about all the times I defended myself as a gay man because it’s my

Stained glass window image of Jesus

Jesus: Icon or Iconoclast?

All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, Shreveport, La.  Disclaimer: Before I start, I want to make a few brief disclaimers. Our church (like other UU churches) has a tradition of a free and open pulpit. In other words, my search for truth and the words I

Child laughing holding Bible

Are You Going to Hell?

The next time someone tries to use Leviticus to condemn homosexuality, here’s a handy list for you. This is not a definitive list, by any means. This is just all I could find in one afternoon. You are going to hell if you…  …eat fruit

Child laughing holding Bible

The Number of the Beast

We all know that 666 is the Number of the Beast. But did you know that: 665.999 – Approximate number of the Beast DCLXVI – Roman numeral of the Beast 666.0000 – Number of the High Precision Beast 0.666 – Number of the Millibeast /

Man praying in church pew

Overcoming Oppressive Theology

City of Refuge United Church of Christ, San Francisco, Calif. Theos/logos God words or words about God are not etched in granite…they metamorphosise with time. All of us see things a bit differently than how we saw them ten years ago, and certainly our theology

Praying man holding bible

Mosbacher’s Response: All God’s Children

Dr. Dee Mosbacher thinks African-American churches should know the truth about gay and lesbian people, and she is providing it in a new documentary called All God’s Children. The film was created to counteract the effects of a video called Gay Rights, Special Rights produced by