Category Archives: Faith & Witness

Hands waving

On Being Thankful

When the editor of this on-line magazine told me what the issue was going to be about I thought, “My God, how dry, how uninteresting for our community to read about.” After all there are battles to be fought with the Religious Right, politicians to

Hands waving

I Thank You God, For the Rainbow

I thank you G_D for the Rainbow! And for every youth who has survived public or private schools, homophobic homes, heterosexist families, churches and societies. I am grateful for the code of the Still Small Voice Within Desirous of Just “A Safe Place” in which

Hands waving

God Through Gay Eyes

When I was a student at Furman University, we had an annual “religious emphasis week” when famous spiritual leaders would come to lecture, preach and hold discussion groups with the students. The best speaker that we ever had was a Southern Baptist Pastor who related

Stained glass window image of Jesus

The Holy Leper and the Bisexual Christian

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28) If Jesus is holy, then clearly holiness is not about separation. (Mike Riddell,

People at concert

Gay Christians: Uncle Toms, Or Fools for God?

Gay Christian. It’s a phrase any self-respecting member of the Religious Right would immediately identify as an oxymoron. As the founder and editor of Whosoever, I get letters everyday from conservative Christians who tell me it’s impossible to be both a practicing homosexual and a

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

The God I Came To Know

Gay people who love God have a tough time reconciling the two concepts. This is not because of its ‘paradoxical nature’, but rather due to the brainwashing we have to endure from childhood. Homophobia is just one of many sad human afflictions and to truly

Floating man

Coming Out = Born Again

Coming out for me was parallel to being “born again” as a Christian. Candace Chellew, in the essay “Losing God”, (Whosoever Issue 5) has underlined what the experience has meant for me; losing God. It was only after actually screaming out loud one night with

Dove flying in Lisbon, Portugal

True Freedom

“We shall overcome…” Whenever I hear or sing those words, a chill runs down my spine. As I grew up in the South, I never really understood the significance of this song to African-Americans but I knew they were an expression of their frustration and